Rolling blackouts occur when there is not enough electricity available to power all customers in a service area. To avoid overloading the electric grid and causing more extensive outages, utility companies will intentionally turn off power to groups of customers in rotating blocks for a period of time. This helps share limited electricity across the network more equitably.

Rolling blackouts are most commonly implemented on very hot or very cold days when electricity use surges, as people crank up air conditioning and heating systems. Other factors like generator failures, equipment problems, and supply issues with coal, natural gas, or renewable sources can also trigger the need for rolling blackouts.

While disruptive, rolling blackouts are preferable to uncontrolled blackouts that could impact much wider areas for longer periods. Strategic load shedding can keep the power grid intact and get things back on track more quickly. Understanding what causes rolling blackouts, how utilities implement them, and how to prepare can help consumers ride them out with minimal disruption.

Pros of Rolling Blackouts

While highly inconvenient, rolling blackouts offer important benefits for preventing catastrophic grid failure during periods of peak electricity demand.

  • Avoid Widespread Grid Failure: By proactively shutting down blocks of customers in a controlled, rotating manner, utilities can quickly shed load on an overloaded system. This prevents escalating equipment failures that could trigger a cascading collapse of the entire grid. Localized temporary outages are vastly preferable to system-wide blackouts that could take weeks or months to repair.
  • Minimize Outage Duration: Each neighborhood or service block experiences a power outage for a limited window, usually 1-2 hours, before service is restored and tripped in the next zone. This sharing of the shortage equitably across customers means no single area suffers an extended blackout. Outages are capped at reasonable intervals versus the potential for days or weeks of blackouts if infrastructure is severely damaged.
  • Fair Distribution of Impact: Rolling blackouts are designed to rotate through service zones in an organized sequence to distribute the impact uniformly across the customer base. Unlike uncontrolled outages that happen randomly, load shedding ensures all ratepayers share a relatively equal burden during the power shortage emergency.
  • Time to Prepare: Utilities aim to give advance warning when possible via media announcements, text/email alerts, and social media. This allows residents and businesses to stock up on supplies, charge devices, and safely power down equipment before outages strike. Even abrupt rotation is preferable to instant widespread failure.
  • Speed System Recovery: With infrastructure intact, the grid can be restored quickly once electricity demand starts to decline and as damaged components undergo localized repairs. Smart controlled load shedding prevents the need for wholesale grid rebuilds that could paralyze entire regions.
  • Maintain Critical Services: Utilities often exempt key infrastructure like hospitals, water services, and emergency response facilities from rolling blackouts to maintain public health and safety. Outage rotations focus more on residential neighborhoods.

The short-term pain of temporary rotating outages facilitates faster recovery and avoids the severe long-term impacts of uncontrolled grid failure. The outages are an important mechanism for keeping overall system integrity intact during supply shortages.

Cons of Rolling Blackouts

Rolling blackout has caused great inconvenience to daily life

However, controlled outages also create significant headaches and costs for impacted communities:

  • Disruption of Daily Life: Any power outage creates major inconveniences even if only lasting 1-2 hours. Families are unable to cook, stores close, and work routines are impacted. Outage uncertainty makes it hard to plan daily activities.
  • Safety Hazards: Loss of electricity shuts down traffic lights, public transit, and medical devices creating hazards, especially for vulnerable groups like the elderly and disabled. Lack of heating or cooling also presents weather-related dangers.
  • Equipment Damage: When power abruptly goes off and returns, voltage surges and spikes can damage or fry electrical equipment and appliances despite protections. Unexpected outages increase these harmful spikes versus gradual shutdowns.
  • Food Spoilage: The loss of refrigeration rapidly spoils food requiring restocking. Meals are disrupted at homes and restaurants. Grocery stores and other food business suffer inventory losses.
  • Economic Losses: Businesses experience lost productivity and sales during blackout rotations. Employees may be unable to work or go unpaid. Expenses are incurred for generator rental, spoiled goods, and electronics repairs.
  • Psychological Impact: Constant uncertainty and disruption of rolling blackouts creates stress and anxiety for households. The inability to control one's environment erodes mental health, especially for vulnerable groups.

While rolling blackouts are intended to be brief and managed events, the unpredictability, abrupt nature, and real costs can make them highly debilitating for families and businesses. Nonetheless, they are preferable to the scale of destruction possible from uncontrolled grid failure. Thorough community preparation is key to resilience.

What Are the States Where Rolling Blackouts Frequently Happen?

Certain states and regions in the U.S. are more susceptible to rolling blackouts during times of peak electricity demand. These include:

  • Texas - The unique isolated grid and periods of extreme heat make Texas highly vulnerable to demand-driven rotating outages.
  • California - Rapid population growth has strained California's aging grid leading to supply shortfalls, especially on hot summer days.
  • Midwestern States - Bitter cold winters drive up heating demand, stressing the grid in states like Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa.
  • Northeast - Blizzards, infrastructure issues, and supply constraints have triggered rolling blackouts from New Jersey to Maine.
  • Southwestern States - Sustained heatwaves increase air conditioning loads, outstripping supply in desert states like Arizona and New Mexico.
  • Pacific Northwest - Historically mild summers meant less infrastructure investment, leading to high summer demand overloading capacity.

Other factors like severe weather, aging infrastructure, energy shortages, and supply bottlenecks can prompt blackouts in any region when electricity use outpaces generation and transmission capacity. As climate change worsens extreme weather events, rolling blackouts may become more frequent and widespread.

What Are the Differences Between Rolling Blackouts and Brownouts?

Rolling blackouts and brownouts are both signs of strain on the electrical grid, but have distinct characteristics. Understanding the differences is important for responding appropriately during outages.

Power Shutoffs vs Voltage Reductions

The primary difference is that rolling blackouts involve the total shutdown of power in rotating blocks, while brownouts cause a drop in voltage that leads to dimming of lights and potential damage to equipment. Blackouts abruptly cut electricity fully off, while brownouts reduce it to troubling levels.

Controlled Rotations vs Regional Impacts

Blackouts methodically rotate through neighborhoods, cities or regions with each area experiencing a 1-2 hour shutoff before power is restored. Brownouts usually impact much larger multi-county or even state-wide areas simultaneously for extended periods until causes are addressed.

Strategic Load Shedding vs Unplanned Shortages

Rolling blackouts are intentionally triggered by utilities when needed to relieve stress on the grid and avoid uncontrolled failure. Brownouts arise spontaneously when high demand or other factors overwhelm infrastructure capacity unexpectedly.

Brief Intervals vs Prolonged Durations

The controlled rotations of blackouts minimize each area's outage window to a couple hours at most before power returns. Brownouts persist for longer open-ended periods - ranging from hours to days - as issues get diagnosed and fixed.

Proactive Prevention vs Reactive Failures

Blackouts are proactive load shedding, shutting off blocks of customers to protect the larger grid even when systems are still functioning. Brownouts are failures indicating overwhelmed infrastructure that needs reactive fixing.

Advanced Notices vs Unexpected Onset

Utilities give advance warnings about rolling blackouts when possible via media and direct customer communications. Brownouts occur without notice as equipment reaches limits.

In summary, rolling blackouts are intentional, brief, and rotating outages to protect the grid, while brownouts are unplanned, prolonged voltage drops signaling equipment in crisis. Being aware of these key differences allows for proper emergency response. Both indicate vulnerabilities in electricity infrastructure.

How Long Do Rolling Blackouts Last?

In typical load-shedding events, each neighborhood or service block can expect controlled power outages lasting 1-2 hours before electricity is restored and rotated to the next area. Outage durations rarely exceed 4 hours per rotation during intentional rolling blackouts. Prolonged multi-day shutdowns usually indicate wider grid failures rather than temporary shortage management. With proper backup preparations, most households can weather the brief 2 hour or less blackout intervals as utilities work to remedy supply deficits.

Are Rolling Blackouts Bad for Appliances?

The sudden starting and stopping of power during rolling blackouts can be damaging for home appliances and electronics. But with some preventative steps, most equipment can safely withstand the brief outages:

Use Surge Protectors

Surge protectors are essential for safeguarding sensitive electronics like televisions, gaming consoles, and computer equipment from voltage spikes when power cycles on and off. Quality protectors can absorb damaging surges and prevent harm to delicate circuitry.

Wait Before Reconnecting

When power returns, wait 10-15 minutes before reconnecting devices and appliances. This allows grid voltage to stabilize before plugging items back in and avoids spike damage. Restart devices sequentially over 30-60 minutes rather than all at once.

Maintain Refrigerator Temps

Keep refrigerators and freezers full and avoid opening doors to retain cold air as long as possible in case of prolonged outages. Monitor freezer and fridge temperatures, discarding spoiled food if they rise above 40°F.

Use Backup Power

For additional protection, use a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) or portable generator to provide temporary power. This safeguards sensitive equipment against any voltage abnormalities.

With proper precautions, residential electronics and appliances can handle the short-duration power cycling of typical rolling blackouts with minimal disruptions or damage. But equipment protection is still advised.

What Should I Unplug During Rolling Blackouts?

Here are some tips on what devices you should unplug during rolling blackouts to avoid damage from power surges:

  • Televisions should be unplugged, including streaming devices like Apple TVs and Rokus, to protect sensitive internal components from voltage spikes when power cycles on and off.
  • Desktop computers should be disconnected to prevent potential data corruption or hardware damage resulting from abrupt power interruptions mid-operation.
  • Unplug modems and routers to maintain internet connectivity when electricity returns following an outage rotation. This prevents network equipment from being overloaded.
  • Major appliances with motors like refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, and air conditioners should be unplugged to safeguard internal mechanisms from power surges.
  • Kitchen appliances like microwaves and coffee makers should be disconnected to prevent potential electrical fires from voltage spikes as power is restored.
  • Smart speakers such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home should be unplugged to avoid disrupted wifi connectivity and corrupted device settings when electricity fluctuates.
  • Fully charged small electronics like laptops, tablets, and smartphones should be unplugged to protect these expensive investments from unanticipated power surges.
  • Medical devices critical for health like oxygen concentrators should remain plugged in if needed. Use surge protectors for these.
  • Lighting fixtures like table and floor lamps should be unplugged to prevent bulb burnout from power surges.

By proactively unplugging sensitive electronics and motorized appliances, you can minimize the risks of voltage spikes and damage during rolling blackout rotations. Maintain surge protection for any devices requiring continued connectivity.

Are Portable Power Stations Worth It During Rolling Blackouts?

Portable power stations have grown in popularity as reliable backup options during grid failure events and rolling blackouts. For homeowners concerned about managing outage disruptions, these stations offer valuable benefits:

  • Seamless Backup Power - Stations automatically detect grid failures and switch on within seconds to restore power before most electronics even register the outage. This prevents disruptions.
  • Multiple Charging Options - Stations can charge from AC outlets, car cigarette lighters, or compatible solar panels for flexibility. Solar charging allows indefinite off-grid use.
  • Sufficient Capacity - Units range from 500W to over 3000W with battery capacities up to 1500Wh. Enough to power essentials like phones, lights, fans, small medical devices for 1-2 hours.
  • Compact Mobility - Lightweight and sizes from briefcases up to storage bins allow easy placement around the home or transport as needed.
  • Cleaner and Quieter - Unlike noisy, gas-powered generators, portable stations have no fumes, odor, or noise pollution. Safer for indoor use.
  • Affordable Solar Expansion - Pairing stations with 100W-400W solar panels allows limitless recharging from the sun's energy.

Solar generators help you get through every tough power outage time

For those with the means, portable power stations provide reliable emergency power during grid instability events. Just size your unit appropriately for expected home essential loads. With solar expansion, indefinite off-grid power is possible. A sound investment for blackout resilience.


Rolling blackouts can certainly be an annoyance and cause disruptions in the modern electricity-dependent world. But understanding why utilities implement controlled rotating outages can help consumers tolerate them as a necessary evil to prevent even more extensive long-term outages from grid overload and failure.

With preparation like surge protectors, staggered device restarting, and backup power sources, you can minimize disruption and damage from temporary power cycling. While never convenient, rolling blackouts are preferable to the alternative and allow for equitable sharing of constrained resources. With robust energy policies and infrastructure investment, utilities can mitigate the frequency of supply shortages that prompt load shedding. But in periods of excess demand, controlled blackouts are an important tool for preventing system-wide collapse.

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